Uworld notes step 2 ck neurology
Uworld notes step 2 ck neurology

uworld notes step 2 ck neurology

  • Bells Palsy is very common if you see bells palsy, look for Lyme disease.
  • Use amoxicillin if <8 or pregnant/breast feeding.
  • None is needed if diagnosis is obvious.
  • HIV Patient with numerous big red firm nodulesīacillary angiomatosis.
  • Weekly acid fast, gram positive branching rod.
  • Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (within first 30 minutes):.
  • Smoking, hyperlipidemia (and rest of metabolic syndrome).
  • Transudative pleural effusion in cirrhotic

    uworld notes step 2 ck neurology

    Interferon and Lamivudine (L comes before R).May cause abscess in TMJ causing asymmetric jaw.Before anything, confirm gestational age with ultrasound. To confirm abnormalities in the first trimesterĬonfirms abnormalities in the second trimester. Tx with chloriquine (can cause retinitis).Onycholysis, hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda a complication-Painless blisters on the back of hte hand.

    uworld notes step 2 ck neurology

    Symptomatic patients are treated with INF and Ribaviran (R comes after L).Patients with normal enzymes and chronic dx only need to be watched.PLP Deficiency (causes NEUROPATHY)-thats why TB treatment includes pyridoxine (PLP B6).ĭilation of biliary tree and obstructive jaundice in neonate?Ĭommon precipitants of hepatic encephalopathy.Hepatitis patient with normalizing transaminases and decreasing albuminįulminant hepatic failure (transaminases are normalizing because the liver is almost completely dead) Bacterial breakdown of Hb, with subsequent urea reabsorption into blood.Ischemic colitis (watershed areas-Splenic Flexure).Hypotension followed by new-onset bloody diarrhea Most common complication of Peptic Ulcer Disease Primary Differential for someone with chronic pancreatitis Other symptoms are hypokalemia (leg cramps) and low stomach acid (alkalosis).Symptoms of watery diarrhea, and a pnancreatic head mass.If all else fails, frequent paracentesis.Na and water restriction (decrease hydrostatic forces).Chest pain brought about by hot or cold food.Indications for Endoscopy for a patient who might have achalasia Without weight loss, consider an alternative diagnosis.Intestinal Angina with meals -> Weightloss.This tells you that this isn't the persons height at the appropriate age, that it's their height at a younger "body" age and thus when their bone age matures, so will their height.Normal Ca (to differentiate from osteoblastic prostate cancer). Xray: Areas of sclerosis and resorption.

    uworld notes step 2 ck neurology

  • Hat size is getting bigger (asymmetric bone remodeling).
  • Usually asymptomatic (only finding is elevated AlkP is typical presentation).
  • Risk may be decreased with pre & post-tx teroids.Ĭause of impotence after pelvic fracture?.
  • Strongest risk factor for a diabetic ulcer
  • Esterogen is a precursor to testosterone.
  • Bone loss (increased osteoclastic activity).
  • Hypothyroid patients are also at risk for:.
  • Extremely elevated risk of Lymphoma (60x).
  • Regardless of size, drugs first (Carbegoline > Bromocriptine)
  • ->Defective bone mineralization (And cartilage mineralization, also, in children).
  • Low calcium->Elevated PTH->Low phosphate (but cannot fully compensate for calcium loss).
  • Vitamin D deficiency (Rickets in Kids/Osteomalacia in Adults).
  • Low Calcium, Low Phosphate, High Parathyroid Hormone, Low 25-OH Vitamin D Na is usually normal (ENaC compensates mostly).
  • Barter/Gittelman's: Na is being lost in these conditions (Loop, Thiazide diuretics).
  • Renin Tumor: Aldo is sky high, so Na and BP is elevated.
  • Exogenous Insulin (Insulin > C-Peptide).
  • Arterial pH (ABG) or AG are the most reliable indicators of recovery.
  • Methimazole is the drug of choice, except for the first trimester.
  • Suspect in anyone on these drugs who presents with sore throat and fever.
  • CO stops oxygen from being delivered to tissues.
  • Don't use if hyperkalemia, burn or crush injury.ĬO poisoning (smoke inhalation) causes what type of acidosisĪnion Gap Metabolic Acidosis (Lactic Acidosis).
  • Causes high K release (by leaving receptors open).
  • Commonly occurs after surgery where blood products are given (citrate in blood binds calcium).
  • Exaggerated reflexes, cramps and seizure.
  • Conjugation of calcium to oxalate->Hypocalcemia.
  • Also increases risk of calcium-oxalate calculi.
  • 20 is renal cause and unresponsive.ĬO2 Compensation for AG Metabolic AcidosisĮnvelope shaped crystals on U/A in a patient with AG Acidosis
  • Urine chloride determines responsiveness to fluids.

  • Uworld notes step 2 ck neurology